Compulsory Screening Scheme

Regulations on Malaysia National Film Development Corporation (Skim Wajib Tayang) 2005 were enforced on Jun 23, 2005. The scheme was formed to accept and consider any local or joint venture films for compulsory screening at cinemas by exhibitors.

The exhibitor must only screen approved film:

  1. for fourteen consecutive days in the biggest hall of the cinema.
  2. but, the screening of the approved film can be moved to a smaller hall if:
  3. the numbers of viewers in the initial hall were less than thirty percent of its total seating capacity proven during the first four consecutive days of its screening; or
  4. if the number of viewers are less than fifteen percent from the number of seats in the cinema hall after the first three days of its screening.
  5. And, if the above (d) situation applies, the exhibitor may at his discretion, withdraw the approved film from further screening.
  6. The exhibitor must submit a report pertaining to any changes of cinema hall or withdrawal of any approved film to the Committee and the participant within two days after the changes took place.


Form A : Complete application must be submitted to FINAS 4 months before the intended date for the approval (3 months for processing the producer details and one month for the exhibitor’s).

  • Copy of Film Production License from FINAS
  • Copy of Film Shooting Certificate (SPP)
  • Copy of Approved Film Certificate from Film Censorship Board ‘Lembaga Penapisan Filem’ (LPF).
  • A copy of the film meant for preview by the Compulsory Screening Scheme Committee.

Please download the Compulsory Film Show Application Form A at the link provided below.


Producer / Exhibitor will be notified via FORM B (Application results on film confirmation)


Producer / Exhibitor may appeal to Compulsory Screening Committee on any of their decisions within 7 days from the date of receiving the FORM B and FORM C.