Petaling Jaya, 28 May-KRU’s subsidiary Prodigital Lab Sdn Bhd and China’s techonology giant, VSOCloud joint venture company, VSOCloud Southeast Asia Sdn Bhd was officiated earlier today by CEO of FINAS, Mr. Ahmad Idham Ahmad Nadzri at FINAS Petaling Jaya. Opening from July 1, VSOCloud Southeast Asia will use the Suzhou-based Chinese parent’s rendering and crowd-sourcing platform to provide rendering services to film, animation and other creative businesses in South East Asia. Embarking on their first major joint animated adventure comedy, Zan Orang Utan, the new company based at Technology Park Malaysia in Bukit Jalil will provide quality rendering services for Malaysian animated films being the country’s first commercial rendering service provider for animation studios.
“This is the beginning of an exciting new era for the Malaysian Animation/film industry, and marks a significant milestone between Malaysia-China relationship. The high-end rendering services is very much needed to deliver world-class visual effects and animation content. We hope this relationship will expand to other forms of collaboration in areas of co-financing, co-production and distribution” said Ahmad Idham Ahmad Nadzri, CEO of FINAS.
The launch of VSO Cloud Southeast Asia was also attended by KRU Group of Companies president Datuk Norman Abdul Halim, VSO chairman Dr Lu Yongquang, FINAS chairman Datuk Hans Isaac and Mr. Panshah, president of Malaysian Film Producers Association (PFM)